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Très belle décoration pour ce chantier situé dans le Beaujolais.
Finitions soignées pour ces peintures et papiers peints.
Projet: Blandine de Parscau
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IMG_20200819_164255 | IMG_20200807_133508_BURST001_COVER | IMG_20200807_133614 |
IMG_20200819_164928 | IMG_20200807_133756 | IMG_20200814_183129 |
IMG_20200817_150846 | IMG_20200807_133524 | IMG_20200819_095408 |
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IMG_20200819_163623 | IMG_20200819_164552 | IMG_20200819_135452 |
IMG_20200807_155219 | IMG_20200807_151438 | IMG_20200819_163827 |
IMG_20200807_133524 | IMG_20200713_165141 |
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